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23. October 2012 - 3:05


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<p><strong>BOURNE<br />The painting</strong> </p>
<p>Her world is black. Literally. She lives alone as it seems, in a dark yet surreal world. It may be under the sea, it may be in a cave, it may be the dark centre of the earth. It is however a very limited world, alas the only one she knows. Everything is shiney and black, including our certral Character herself. Her face is black, hair, her clothing. We can best see the whites of her very expressive eyes, but little else. <br />She passed her days by extracting and examining pieces she pulls of a deep well in the centre of her world. <br />One day she discovers a large metal type projector, and to her astonishment, an image appears in the projecter, causing her to look for the first time, at that hole in the centre of her little world, in a new way. <br />After deep thought and consideration, she decides to jump feet first into this hole filled with water in the centre of her world, to discover what is on the other side. <br />This story is beautifully hauting and the ending left open to the viewers interpretation. Did she die? Did she discover another world and better life? Whatever the case, she is smiling and peaceful at last.</p>

Bernd Preiml (assisted by Martin Baumgartne
Bernd Preiml assisted by Martin Baumgartne
Song Produced by Niko Stössl and Bourne at
Claudia Weissenbrunner, Underwater Double I
4 min 33 sek
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